
Welcome to the homepage of Marc Koschel. I am a
photographer  •  music lover  •  blogger  •  Thinker  •  coffee drinker

Who I Am

I am Marc Koschel. I was born in Mannheim, Germany. After a study visit in Ontario, Canada, I live in Reilingen, Germany in the Rhine Neckar area

I think a lot about all things, especially when listening to music and drinking (too much) coffee or red wine. Then I speak my mind — whether asked or not.

Listening to music is my favorite hobby. I believe that music is the essential thing which unifies all of us human beings. Music plays a major role in all peoples of our earth. Therefore, "I am on the quest for the ultimate song".


What I Do

Photography is my passion. I do also design websites and blog about workflows of processing in digital printing and development of webpages.

I am a Mac freak and love Apple. No matter what others say, I like my Mac for I will work with my computer and not (have to) configure it all the time.


My Work

Here is a selection of my latest works.

Say Hello.

If you want to say hello, you can leave me a message or get in contact on social networks.

If you have two apples and get three more, how many pears have you got then?
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